Join us for Our TEnth Annual
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Ice Chalet (beside the Shops at Western Plaza)
3:00-6:00 p.m.
to benefit the Ice Chalet Skating Club and
the Special Olympics of
Greater Knoxville
Register by Feb.15th to be assured of a t-shirt.
The first 100 entries will receive a free entry in our Grand Door Prize Drawing!
Individual and team entries accepted. Collect pledges
per lap, per time-period, or a flat amount. ($ 40.00 minimum in pledges
required to enter) Prizes will be awarded for levels of pledges collected.
Prizes and games will be held throughout the Skate-a-thon.
Ice Chalet Skating Club of
P.O. Box 10194
Knoxville TN 37939